Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the ASMaS 2024. Please read through all the FAQ's to familiarize yourself with the ASMaS 2024 and its procedures. If you have another question, please contact us at:

  • Q1: How can I register?
  • Q2: How do I submit a paper for the ASMaS 2024?
  • Q3: Can I substitute a different paper after my paper has been accepted?
  • Q4: Can I change the name of my paper after it is submitted?
  • Q5: If I cannot attend the conference can someone else present my paper?
  • Q6: What if my proposal was accepted but I have to cancel?
  • Q7: Can I co-present a paper?
  • Q8: How do I get the Visa?
  • Q9: How do I get Letters of Invitation?

Q1: How Can I register?

  • Answer: Press the Registration button on Home page. Fill the registration form and choose the way of payment. Press Register button to finish the registration. Check your email to receive the confirmation.
  • Please note: Your email and password which you fill in the registration form will be used for login Paper submission. Please be careful to write your correct email and password and keep it in mind.

Q2. How do I submit a paper for the ASMaS 2024?

  • Answer: To submit a paper for the ASMaS 2024, individuals can submit a paper online. Please remember that authors are limited to TWO papers to ASMaS 2024. For submission requirements and additional details about submitting a paper online, please visit the Paper Submission page.

Q3: Can I substitute a different paper after my paper has been accepted?

  • Answer: No. Your paper was judged and accepted on the merits of the proposal. You cannot substitute something different after your paper has been accepted.

Q4: Can I change the name of my paper after it is submitted?

  • Answer: Yes. Please contact administration at prior to the specified deadline for changes and corrections. Note that your title can change but the content of the paper must continue to be consistent with the proposal submitted.

Q5: If I cannot attend the conference can someone else present my paper?

  • Answer: No. The person whose paper has been accepted must present the paper.

Q6: What if my paper was accepted but I have to cancel?

  • Answer: If you want to cancel participation in the conference, please contact administration at:

Q7: Can I co-present a paper?

  • Answer: Yes. However, co-presented papers are given the same time slot (including Q and A) as papers presented by a single individual.

Q8: How do I get the Visa?

  • Answer: Presently, the Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants VISA exemptions to approximately 78 countries with special agreements with Vietnam. If you are unsure of whether or not you need to apply for a short – term Visa to enter Vietnam in order to attend ASMaS 2024, please click here.
  • If your country is not listed, then you must contact the Embassy of Vietnam, or the nearest Consulate of Vietnam in your home country to receive guidance on the application process and necessary documents. Click here for more information.

Q9: How do I get Letters of Invitation?

  • Answer: As part of the VISA application process, you may be required to submit a Letter of Invitation from the ASMaS 2024 organizing committee. In order to qualify for a Letter of Invitation by ASMaS 2024, you must finish the registration procedure and pay the conference registration fee in full. All letters of invitation will be sent by email attachment.

ASMaS 2024 Organizing Committee, 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Phone: +84 28 37755103
